James R. Fair, AIA
These projects total over 13,000,000 square feet (almost 1,250,000 square meters) and have ranged in value from $500,000 to over $300,000,000 at the time of their design and construction. Jim has had the opportunity to design buildings in a variety of functional types and the projects documented on this site are located around the world and across the United States.
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1200-room hotel and retail mall on the Mississippi River at Poydras Street. The rectangular site for this hotel and shopping mall was extremely constrained, with public access limited to the most narrow end of the site. The design solution was a multi level atrium lobby that separated hotel and retail flows.
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This three story facility is configured as six classroom, office and education research wings arrayed along an air conditioned linear connector, which houses lounges, cafes and study areas.
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Competition winning eight story corporate headquarters building for Mobil U.S. Division on a 300-acre site. The area of construction was kept to as small a footprint as possible to limit the impact on one of the last remaining portions of virgin forest near Washington, D.C.
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Five building laboratory complex for petrochemical research on a suburban campus site. Each of the four lab buildings is uniquely dimensioned and structured to suit its research needs. They are arranged in a “pinwheel” fashion around a central support/amenity building.
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Two story electrical and electronic engineering research laboratory. Three lab/office “units” and one conference/lobby “unit” are configured to create a shared interaction courtyard.
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Five story department store on Union Square. This was the first tall, urban retail store built by Saks in over fifty years. A sky-lit atrium and unique escalator pattern make clear the multi-level layout of the store.
AIA Design Award
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Five story office building. The floorplate of this project is designed to accommodate a wide range of tenant sizes, from 1500 square feet to 35,000 square feet.
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Four story office building. This is the first of a series of buildings that were master planned for a 26 acre site. The initial building tenant was Olivetti's US Advanced Technology Center.
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Seventeen story office building. The prime address for this building is on the narrow end of a long, thin site. A compact service core allowed for reasonably efficient, small floorplates that had their prime face onto Market Street.
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Twenty-one story office building. This project used an above grade parking structure, with suitable cladding, as a base for the office tower, elevating the lowest rental floor 50 feet above the street.
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Four story inmate processing center with 500 holding beds. This project has inmate processing facilities on the first floor and housing on the second floor.
AIA Architecture for Justice Selection
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Twelve story inmate processing center with 2000 general population beds and 2000 medical population beds.
AIA Architecture for Justice Selection
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Four story inmate processing center with 288 holding bed addition to an existing 256 bed jail.
This project has inmate processing facilities on the ground floor, new housing on the second floor and centralized visiting for old and new housing.
AIA Architecture for Justice Selection
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Fifteen story inmate processing center with 900 holding beds.
AIA Design Award
AIA Architecture for Justice Selection
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Four story administrative headquarters complex, including 240,000 SF of highly flexible office space as well as laboratory, investigation and holding spaces.
AIA Design Award
AIA Architecture for Justice Selection
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Two story new museum including exhibit hall, classroom, office, archival and exhibit preparation areas and public spaces, as well as parking facilities.
AIA Design Award
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Office and retail complex with four-level retail base, a 16-story office tower for the Bank of China and a 35-story speculative office tower.
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Twenty-two story corporate headquarters building supported on four, 128-foot span arches.
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Competition winning 500-bed comprehensive replacement Medical Center and Ambulatory Care facility with expansion capability to 800 beds total.
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"Fourth Generation" aquarium featuring aquatic specimens from around the Pacific and state-of-the-art interactive exhibits.
AIA Design Award
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946-bed comprehensive replacement Medical Center and Ambulatory Care facility; project includes regional Trauma Center, 80,000 SF digital Diagnostic Imaging department; 214 intensive care beds; 215,000 SF Ambulatory Care Center accommodating 650,000 annual patient visits.
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Single story, single family residence.
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Complete renovation of a 1920's Spanish-style library including seismic and ADA improvements.
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New 3-building complex including library, classrooms and administrative facilities.
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Three story skilled nursing facility near St. John's Medical Center.
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Four story building for the study of AIDS vaccinology and primate research. Facility includes expansion space for later utilization and a 10,000 SF small animal vivarium.
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Three story building providing flexible wet and dry laboratory space for interdisciplinary research. Three lab wings and a Principal Investigator wing are clustered around a three story atrium lobby. This is the first non-departmentally organized science lab on the Georgia Tech campus.
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Two story new museum including exhibit hall, classroom, office, archival and exhibit preparation areas and public spaces, as well as parking facilities.
AIA Design Award
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Two story veterinary diagnostic addition to the UGA School of Veterinary Medicine. Laboratory spaces include bacteriology, virology, parasitology, toxicology and immunology.
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Seven story infectious disease containment and research facility for the Centers for Disease Control on their Clifton Road campus. BSL 3+ facilities are supported by a unique “linear equipment room/interstitial service zone” concept within a 16 foot floor to floor height.
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Four story 19 courtroom County courthouse with 1500 holding beds.
AIA Architecture for Justice Selection
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New interior fit out to provide office space as well as testing and research laboratory facilities for this Belgian company specializing in blood and tissue products. Facility includes expansion space for later utilization.
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Two story plant research facility which will include interdisciplinary laboratories and special facilities such as a core genomics complex, plant transformation facility and business incubator laboratories.
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Four story laboratory facility which includes research, seminar and administration areas and a 45,000 SF greenhouse and headhouse complex.
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New eight story building housing interdisciplinary laboratories and special facilities such as animal housing, tissue culture, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging equipment, and environmental health & safety support facilities. The building will support Biosafety Level 2 and 3 research activities.
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Five story facility which includes research, classroom and administration areas for chemistry, biology, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, and earth and atmospheric sciences. This building is sited to create Georgia Tech’s first formal quadrangle space.
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Seven story research and treatment facility. This project involves the construction of a new 112,000 SF tower adjacent to a 96,000 SF existing structure that will be substantially revised.
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Single story forensics laboratory. The USACIL facility is the Department of Defense equivalent of the FBI Crime Lab. Six distinct investigative divisions share a common, secure evidence core to insure “chain of custody” reliability.
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Two story analytical laboratory. This facility, which involves reuse of an existing building shell, will replace several small labs currently monitoring the quality of New York City’s drinking water system.
AIA Design Award
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Four story research and treatment facility. This “translational” facility will provide Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Osteoporosis faculty with research, clinic and operating rooms in close proximity.
AIA Design Award
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One story animal holding facility. A combination of new construction and renovation of existing facilities will provide feline and canine housing and support for over 1000 animals and will comply with the new European Union animal holding regulations.
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One story forensics laboratory. An existing facility will be expanded to a total of 60,000 SF. Four distinct investigative divisions share a new secure evidence processing area and corridor to insure “chain of custody” reliability.
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Seven story infectious disease containment and research facility for the Centers for Disease Control on their Clifton Road campus. BSL 3+ facilities are supported by a unique “linear equipment room/interstitial service zone” concept within a 16 foot floor to floor height.
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Four story administrative headquarters complex, including 240,000 SF of highly flexible office space as well as laboratory, investigation and holding spaces. The direct supervision City Jail includes full support facilities and 256 cells.
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International Rivercenter
New Orleans, LA
Hilton Hotels
College of Education
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
King Saud University
US Division Headquarters
Fairfax, VA
Mobil Oil Company
Research Center
Tulsa, OK
Cities Service Oil Company
Watson Lab of Applied Physics
Pasadena, CA
California Institute of Technology
Department Store
San Francisco, CA
Saks Fifth Avenue
Cupertino City Center
Cupertino, CA
Prometheus Properties
60 South Market
San Jose, CA
Koll Company
550 North Brand Building
Glendale, CA
Jaymont Properties / Smith & Hricik
Intake Release Center
Santa Ana, CA
Orange County
Vista Intake Release Center
Vista, CA
San Diego County
Twin Towers Intake Release Center
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles County
California Plaza
Sacramento, CA
Watt Investment Properties
Intake Release Center
San Diego, CA
San Diego County
Japanese American National MuseumLos Angeles, CA
Japanese American National MuseumLos Angeles, CA
Velox Plaza
Harbin, China
Bank of China
Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific
Long Beach, CA
Police Department Headquarters
Santa Ana, CA
City of Santa Ana
Police Department Headquarters
Santa Ana, CA
City of Santa Ana
Seoul, Korea
Hansol Corporation
Replacement Hospital
Seoul, Korea
Kon Kuk University
Replacement Hospital
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles County / University of Southern California
Doheny Learning Resource Center
Los Angeles, CA
Mount St. Mary's College
Coe Memorial Library
Los Angeles, CA
Mount St. Mary's College
Skilled Nursing Facility
Santa Monica, CA
Berkley East
Tenth Street Residence
Santa Monica, CA
Yerkes Vaccine Laboratory
Atlanta, GA
Emory University
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories
Athens, GA
University of Georgia
Petite Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience
Atlanta, GA
Georgia Institute of Technology
Infectious Diseases Laboratory
Atlanta, GA
US Centers for Disease Control
Infectious Diseases Laboratory
Atlanta, GA
US Centers for Disease Control
North American Labs
Atlanta, GA
Innogenetics Company
Justice Center
Jonesboro, GA
Clayton County
Applied Genetics Resource Facility
Athens, GA
University of Georgia
Agricultural Biotechnology / Molecular Biology Complex
Clemson, SC
Clemson University
Whitehead Research Laboratory Building
Atlanta, GA
Emory University
Ford Environmental Sciences & Technology Building
Atlanta, GA
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hollings Cancer Center
Charleston, SC
Medical University of South Carolina
Criminal Investigation Laboratory
Fort Gillem, GA
United States Army
Musculoskeletal Institute
Farmington, CT
University of Connecticut
West of Hudson Headquarters and Laboratory
Kingston, NY
New York City DEP
Forensics Sciences Laboratory
Valhalla, NY
Westchester County
Animal Research Center
Topeka, KS
Hill's Pet Nutrition